A massive tire fire in Cambridgeshire, England, which has already been burning for three weeks, may burn for another month according to local officials. There is no mention given as to what started the fire at the tire recycling plant but there is mention to the efforts which have been employed to stop it, to no avail.
This is the largest tire fire in English history and may be the largest single fire in the long history of the country. Tire fires are so difficult to put out because as the tires burn and essentially melt together the fire stays so hot internally that it is almost impossible to extinguish, short of removing the fuel.
Fire officials are trying to do just that, picking away at the edges of the mountainous burning tire piles with excavators to pull small pieces of the fire away and extinguish. By the sounds of it, this is having roughly the same effect as peeing into the ocean.
We can only image the smell and other assorted nastiness that is involved in this mess and hope that the fire fighters keep themselves and the property of others safe as they fight this monster.