
the car junkie daily magazine.


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Video: Is This The Most Powerful Ford Crown Vic In The World? The Rocket Couch Lives Again With Tons More Power!

You may remember our buddy Chris Adams’ 1992 Crown Vic from the pages of Car Craft a couple years ago where it starred in a story called The Rocket Couch. With a supercharged two-valve Ford...

Celebrity Car Death Match: Trained Killers Collide! – The Deadly 1958 Plymouth Fury From Christine VS The Demonic 1955 Peterbilt 281 From Duel!

This is easily the scariest pair we have ever had in the brief but interesting history of Celebrity Car Death Match. We have two trained and documented killers in front of you today and your job is...

Gallery: Pomona Swap Meet April 2013 – Awesome, Weird, & Granny Fresh Cars For Sale!

(Photos by Scott Liggett) – It was cold, dark, and cloudy at 6 AM last Sunday morning when our SoCal reporter Scott Liggett, rolled through the gates at the Fairplex of Pomona in his 1970...

Craigslist Find: The Ultimate Off Road RV – 1985 TATRA T-815 Czech Built Military 8×8

Brian is going to lose his mind over this one. It’s a 1985 Tatra T-815 Czech Built Military 8×8 that has been partially converted into an RV or exploration vehicle. It was supposedly...

BangShift Question Of The Day: Would You Drive It? A Blown Nash Metropolitan

The guys at Comp Cams pulled this photo off of Competition Plus, and asked the question whether or not you would drive it. And so we are stealing their question for use here as the BangShift Question...

Killer Wheelie Bar Breaking 4 Wheels Off The Ground ’69 Camaro Photo Thanks To AutoMeter

We are always commenting on how cool the guys at AutoMeter are, and the fact that they always seem to run really cool photos on their Facebook page. In fact most of the BangShift.com sponsors are...

Drag Race Photos: 2013 West Coast Hot Rod Association Season Opener Photos

Thanks to Jason Wilcox over at TCI, we’ve got some cool photos from the 2013 West Coast Hot Rod Association season opener at Famoso. Since the West Coast Hot Rod Association’s inception,...

BangShift Daily Tune Up: “Car Wash” by Rose Royce (1976)

As the theme song for the 1976 movie Car Wash, and the lead single on the soundtrack, this song would reach #1 on the Billboard Pop Charts. As a kid I remember this one for sure, and it always makes...

Caption This Photo: Uuhhhhhh I Don’t Even Know What Else to Say. Just Caption It.

We’re not sure what Mike Cook Jr. is doing right here, but everyone else on the team appears to be working. Either that, or none of the rest of the Dark Horse 2 crew wants to know either....

Holley Is Developing A New Throttle Body And They Need Your Help – Free Parts!

The boys and girls at Holley are deep in development mode on a new throttle body for LS2 and LS3 engines and they are looking for test vehicles in the Bowling Green, Kentucky area. That’s...


After watching all those little Euro-mobiles wreck on the ‘Ring in that blog item yesterday you are probably thinking about a time or two where you found yourself a little short in the talent...

Drag Gallery: Bracket Racing and 275 Drag Radial Action from Brainerd Optimist Drag Strip

(Words and Photos by Tommy Lee Byrd) – Yesterday we featured a gallery on the Brainerd Optimist Drag Strip Nostalgia Race, but we didn’t mention that the track held a double header. At 3pm,...

Wheelstand Sequence: A Gnarly Datsun 240Z Literally Stands It On The Bumper At Brainerd!

(Words and Photos by Tommy Lee Byrd) – It was a great day at Brainerd Optimist Drag Strip with lost of cool cars. By far, the star of the show was Ron Lane in his nitrous-fed 240z, which did...

Incredible Burnout Video: The Most Wild Flaming Aussie Video We Have Ever Seen!

Aussie BangShifter John Tearle tipped us off to this video of a Commodore Ute not only burning the tires off, but also nearly burning to the ground during an Aussie “power skid” contest....