
the car junkie daily magazine.


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Money No Object: 1958 Plymouth Fury – The One And Only…

Autumn red and white, red “as a fire engine” inside. A thumper of a mill under the hood, capable of a low, rhythmic bassline at idle and a banshee howl when booted to the maximum. One of...

Best of 2019: Take A Closer Look At The Larry Peternel Imperial Pro Stocker!

Robert Frost is one of America’s great poets, a man whose work with the written word became so much more than simple scribbles on paper. From the publishing of his first work, “My...

Best of 2019: A Chevy Malibu That The Yellowjackets Have Claimed For Their Own

I don’t mind honeybees or bumblebees at all…they don’t bother me as long as I don’t bother them, and we’re both happier that way. I’m not as nervous as I used to...

Best of 2019: 1972 Ford Mustang – Ratty Muscle Dreams With A Big Pony

There’s an old ad I saw once in a van and custom car compilation magazine that dated back to about 1978 that stuck with me. I can’t remember if it was selling shocks or tires, but the car...

Best of 2019: Check Out This Isuzu Diesel-Swapped 1970 Plymouth Satellite!

When I first saw this 1970 Plymouth and realized what had happened to this car, initially my brain started screaming out, “WHY?!” as loudly as possible. Why is there a diesel in a 1970...

Best of 2019: Watch X275 Eliminations From Sweet 16 2.0 – The Runs That Made The Bruder Brothers $50,000

If Radial vs The World was the headlining act at the DuckX Sweet 16 2.0 than X275 was the strongest undercard in drag racing history. As mental as Radial vs The World action was, X275 likely topped...

Best of 2019: Check Out This LS4-Swapped Pontiac Montana!

The GM U-vans came in three generations: Dustbuster, Dustbuster II, and “Crossover Sport Vans”. Yeah…that was GM’s own term for the revised third generation that were intended...

Best of 2019: Scrapple! This Week: The Strangest Traffic Stop, Ever.

Define “Busy Weekend”: A double-header of live racing for you to enjoy! Chad’s in Sacramento at the Western States Championship, McTaggart is in Texas for the Mid-West Pro Mod party...

Best of 2019: This 1976 Ford Hauler Is Everything In One: Ramp Truck And Hotel Room!

Go to a race pretty much anywhere, any time and you’ll see them. Diesel trucks hauling flatbed trailers. Toterhomes with stacker trailers. It’s kind of nuts what many deem necessary for a...

Best of 2019: An 8-Minute Gear Bangin’ Symphony From Inside a 1968 Camaro

There are stick shift videos, and then there are STICK SHIFT videos. This is one of the latter. Featuring the 1968 Camaro of Billy Miller Racing, this video shows multiple runs from multiple angles...

Best of 2019: Removing A Pilot Bearing With Bread

Face some facts: you don’t have all of the answers, you don’t know all of the tricks, and you will spend your lifetime learning them so that you can (hopefully) pass on some lessons to a...

Best of 2019: The Man Who’d Rather Drive A Truck Than A Car – This 1975 Dodge Pickup Truck Commercial Is Fun

A tough looking truck sloshing through puddles, hauling hay, and driving over dirt roads in a vast landscape. That’s pretty much 67% of every truck commercial ever made from the present day all...

Best of 2019: Te Definition Of Tuff Truck: Watch This Jeep Cherokee Get Pounded!

We’re not sure if the driver ever walked in a fully upright position after completing this Tuff Truck run at the 2018 Lebanon Fair in Pennsylvania. We have seen plenty of gutsy tuff truck runs...

Best of 2019: What Was McTaggart Thinking As This 1955 Chevy Attacked?

Editor’s Note: This wasn’t the closest call of 2019. This was the closest call I’ve had, period. -McT I’d been on the property at Beech Bend for maybe…maybe twenty...