
the car junkie daily magazine.


Category Archive: Angry Grandpa Chrysler, BangShift Projects

Meet The Newest BangShift Project, “Angry Grandpa”, And Check Out The First Mod: A Cat-Back Magnaflow System!

After running my 2006 Chrysler 300C at London Dragway in Kentucky, I drove away both very impressed and wanting more. The big barge had turned better times than I was expecting; honestly, instead of...

Project Raven: It’s The Little Things That Will Kill You

Summertime brings storms to the Midwest, the kind of storms that dump inches of water at a moment’s notice. Ever since I got the Imperial running, I had functioning wipers. In Arizona, they...

The Zingers inspired a generation of car geeks, and we talked to the guy who built them

  There was a time when custom car culture was as mainstream as professional sports. Back in the 1960s, custom car shows were huge events that hundreds of thousands of people saw over the course...

Unhinged: Wasps, Mustangs, And The Honey-Do List

(“Unhinged” is a new column on BangShift, where McTaggart puts all of his opinions out on the table for everyone to see.) The morning of the Fifth of July, I awoke to a sugar-induced...

Party Barge: Holley’s Project ’74 Chevelle “Low Buck Long Roof”

Some vehicles catch your eye with bright colors, big motors, loud noises, a thumping stereo system. Some are so frighteningly ugly that you’d just as soon go look at whatever’s in the parking lot...

Bottom Dollar Blazer – Episode 7: It’s Time To Start Thinking Paint, BangShift Style.

Well, it’s been a while since I posted my last update to the Blazer project. Class is wrapped up at Assabet Valley Tech, and I got a ton of the grunt work done. Now it’s time to think...

Project Raven: The Engine (And I Swear, The End of Story Time!)

The story of the Imperial’s build truly starts in December, 2010. I was preparing to move from Washington State to Arizona to attend college. The Mirada was running great…and then, one day, it...

Nut Driver: The Wheels Haven’t Fallen Off Yet, So I Took It Out For More Autocross Action

[“Nut Driver” features updates on Dave Nutting’s attempts to daily drive his 1987 Chevrolet Monte Carlo in Massachusetts 365 days a year] Before continuing on, if you want to catch up on the...

Johnny Depp’s “Black Mass” Has To Choose The Right Cars To Be Authentic. Did They?

Next year, Johnny Depp, Benedict Cumberbatch and a cast of dozens will be starring in a film called Black Mass, a dramatization of the book of the same name by Boston Globe writers Dick Lehr and...

Project Raven: The History Behind Why I Adopted One Of The Most Unloved Mopars Ever

Easily, one of the most asked questions about the Imperial is, “Why?” A lot of people don’t understand why I chose to work on a Chrysler with no aftermarket support or rarity. So, I’ll...

Meet the Newest BangShift Project Car: Project Raven, McTaggart’s 1983 Chrysler Imperial

Project Raven is my 1983 Imperial. It is the latest in a string of Mopars that I’ve owned, is my daily driver, my toy, my racer, and a significant source of automotive frustration at times, like...

LS Power Improvements: How The Wally’s World GTO Got A Bunch More Ponies

It’s been a while since we did an update on the Wally’s World GTO Project, mostly because we’ve been slacking, and also because all the new horsepower has been a lot of fun out on...

Nut Driver: 4 AM Repairs And Autocross Action!

(Photos by Phil Trzcinski and the author) [“Nut Driver” features updates on Dave Nutting’s attempts to daily drive his 1987 Chevrolet Monte Carlo in Massachusetts 365 days a year] Before...

Project Violent Valiant Update: The Dash Comes To Life With Lots Of Planning And Stewart Warner Gauges

Project Violent Valiant has really been coming along over the last couple weeks. We’ve updated you on the installation of the firewall, the completion of the front suspensions, the replacement...