
the car junkie daily magazine.


Category Archive: OTHER, TECH, Tech Stories, Videos

Wiring Tech: Solder Seal Connectors, And Wire Labeling. These Tips Will Help You With Your Wiring Projects!

I learned about solder seal connectors 15 or so years ago and yet I still meet people all the time who have never heard of them. These are some pretty cool little pieces of technology that can really...

Which Rust Converter Actually Works, And Works Well? Full Rust Converter Testing

I’ve just started a steel project and am using a combination of new and older materials. While all my steel is unused, some of it has been stored outside and has some surface rust that will...

Adam Savage’s One Day Builds: Workshop Hardware Storage Solution. Easy To Access Nut And Bolt Storage.

As I’m designing and building the mezzanine for our new shop, I’ve been thinking about how I want to store hardware. I have some of those nice drawers now, but they hold approximately...

Tape Measures Suck: Since We Need Them, Whose Is Best? Tape Measure Shootout

I don’t know why, but I have a love hate relationship with tape measures. I seem to have some that I love and then most that I hate, but I can never seem to find the same model as the ones I...

Electrical Tech: How To Wire Up Your Kill Switch The Right Way – Alternator And Battery Wiring

One of the most common tech failures we see at race tracks is an improperly wired battery cutoff switch. We see it all the time, and most of the time the person whose car is failing has no idea why...

Best Torque Wrench? $450 Snap-On vs Craftsman, ICON, Kobalt, DeWalt, SK Tools, Proto, Wera

Several years ago the guys at Car Craft Magazine did a torque wrench shootout and found that the high dollar models from the big tool brands weren’t better, and in some cases were worse, than...

How Much Power Does A NASCAR Impact Gun Make? The Torque Test Channel Customizes And Tests One!

NASCAR impact guns are some badass pieces. They are not just a stock impact gun, but rather one that has been blueprinted, ported, and more so that they can run on much higher air pressure and way...

Iron Trap 1933 Ford Project: Trying To Make The Doors On This Channeled Hot Rod Actually Close

Matt at Iron Trap does some really cool stuff and is always fun to watch. His builds always make me want to build a 1930’s or 1940’s ride and this one is no different. This 1933 Ford is one that...

Rally Car Revival Part 2: Giving a Bug Eye Subaru WRX A New Lease On Life With Cobb Tuning

Written By Steve Baur – Photography by the Author Most everyone with a performance car thinks about how they can extract more performance from his/her vehicle. Whether it’s improved...

How To Make A Muffler: Paul Brodie Works His Magic

Paul Brodie’s videos that I usually look at are about brazing and bicycle building, not muffler making. With that said, Paul is a bad ass and makes some super cool stuff so when I saw that he...

Tools That Don’t Suck- The Eastwood Ultrasonic Cleaner Is Iron Trap Approved!

Tools that don’t work are a pain and just plain suck. I recently bought such a tool and had to return it. Luckily, the Ulrasonic Cleaner from Eastwood is no such tool. This sucker is rad, works...

Driving Lessons: Can Chelsea Denofa, Pro Drifter, Teach Alex Taylor, A Drag Racer, How To Drift?

Chelsea Denofa is one of my favorite drifters. This dude is super chill, super fun to be around, and puts on a show with a smile every time he’s in the car. He and Vaughn Gittin Jr. are a fun...

Can A Couple Of Kids Do An Oil Change? Watch And Find Out In This Latest Video From Flying Sparks Garage. Could You Have Done Better At Their Age?

Emily and Aaron do fun stuff on their YouTube channels, and are awesome people in real life as well. They can often be found at events with their niece and other family members’ kids because...

Welding Table Build Series: Part 1. The Frame, Wheels, And Shelving Come Together

Here is another welding table build that might inspire you to get out in the shop and build something now that the cold temps are coming. I love welding and fabrication tables, well thought out work...