Category Archive: BangShift XL, CRASH & BURN, FUNNY STUFF, Videos, XL Videos

The Compilation Video Featuring Locomotives Crashing Into Stuff Is Wild

Trains are interesting for a thousand different reasons but at the end of the day, their immense power is only truly illustrated when you see them run into something. They look all docile just...

Watch Pete Berner Suffer A Massive Pro Stock Crash At The 1999 IHRA Winternationals

Pete Berner has been a mountain motor pro stock racer for years. He ran very strongly in the IHRA when I was an announcer over there in the 2000s and his career went back into the 1990s as well. In...

Rocky Mountain Race Week Carnage: 1320Video Catches All The Action, Good AND Bad! 450 Miles Of Driving And A Full Day Of Drags!

In what may be the longest drive in Drag and Drive history, we amazingly got almost everyone from Texas to Louisiana! The drive was nearly 450 miles, and was covered on Day 3 which is just a drive...

This 1991 IHRA Video Known As Crash-O-Rama Has Some Big Names And Big Carnage In It!

It is weird to think about now but there was a huge business in VHS tapes back in the era before YouTube, streaming video, and OnDemand, well, anything. The “And They Walked Away” Series...

Drag And Drive Carnage! 130MPH High Speed Wreck On Race Week 2.0 Day 1 At Pine Valley Raceway In East Texas

There has never been a drag and drive event that didn’t start off with someone having a really bad day. It happens. Whether that’s in the form of a wreck, engine carnage, transmission...

Yikes Video: Watch This Hot Rodded Volvo Suffer A Clutch Explosion During A Burnout – Crazy

There are few things with more insane duality than a clutch explosion. Firstly there is the horrifying destruction and potential for people to be cut to ribbons from the shrapnel of flying clutch...


The Busted Knuckle gang are back at it, with another great weekend of Rock Racing to share. This time they were in Pineville, Missouri, at the Rush Springs Offroad Park, where all the heavy hitter...

The Water Speed Record: Is This The DEADLIEST Record You’ve Never Heard Of? These Unlimited Speed Boats Are Insane, No REALLY!

I always tell people that land speed racing is a whole other ballgame. I say this because if things go bad, they go real bad on the salt or dirt. You are talking about cars that weigh a lot more than...

The 2024 Arette Hill Climb Was As Crazy As Ever, Earning The Name The Impossible French Hill Climb! Runs, Fails, And Crashes!

I think motorcycle hill climbs are a different kind of crazy and the riders are a different kind of nuts. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t a whole lot of fun to watch! We’ve got two...

Blower Explosion Update: Optimus Prime’s Big Blower Explosion On The Hub Dyno Is Explained And Crazy.

If you missed it, this Fox Body Mustang blew the blower clean off of it, in grand fashion, with a huge fireball, while making a full pull on the hub dyno at FuelTech recently. This thing was nuts...

Huge Blower Explosion! This is bad! What Happened To Cause This Hemi To Blow Up In Grand Fashion? Thank God For Safety Gear!

If you haven’t been in a car on a chassis dyno or hub dyno, then the normal chassis dyno videos you see might seem very calm. The truth is that any car that makes even 400 horsepower at the...

Vaughn And The Funhaver Crew Took Over DuneFest And It Almost Went Real Bad. Which Means Plenty Of Real Good Fun Was Had!

Vaughn isn’t the first off-road racer to slap a set of paddle tires on an off-road rig and go full send over some sand dunes. Decades ago Robby Gordon did the same thing in a trophy truck and...

OG S10 – The Tailgate Class at Limpy’s Cash Days at the Hill! No Prep Racing Action Like None Other. Close Calls, Carnage, and Wheelstands.

It doesn’t matter whether you call it KD Motorsports Park, KD Dragway, or The Hill, everyone knows that some bad ass no prep races go on there and that it is one of the more unique drag strips...

Wild Video: Ride Along As This Turbocharged Mopar Small Block Powered Valiant Wrecks Hard In Argentina

We have showed you videos previously of the awesome V8 Turbo Valiant which races in Argentina. Well, this stick shifted hellacious little car got banged up really bad recently and they had cameras ta...