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Category Archive: TECH, Videos

Back To Basics: The Ins And Outs Of The Four-Barrel Holley With Uncle Tony!

EFI this, EFI that. Whatever. A lot of stories involving hopping up an engine usually start with the early bolt-on mods: new pipes, new tuning, and of course, the four-barrel. And which four-barrel...

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Eff Your Prius: Tuning A C5 Corvette For 40 MPG Without Giving Up A Ton Of Power

Earlier this year, I made a vehicle purchase that up until this year, I had hoped to not do: I wound up buying a car for pure fuel economy and little else. And a little secret, readers: I wish I had...

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Ever Wonder Just What Goes Into Chopping A Top On A Merc? This Video Shows Every Step From Start To Finish!

It’s 4 hours long, but if you want to know how to chop the top on a Merc then this is the one to watch. It’s not new, and it’s not in HD, but man it is complete and detailed....

Early Hemi Goodness: Stirring Up A 1954 Dodge Royal!

Growing up around my area in the Pacific Northwest, I found that within a few mile area of my house, that there were a horde of abandoned cars to explore. The first Europe-sourced Mercury Capri I...

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Does A Bigger Throttle Body Actually Make More Power On An LS Engine?

Time and time again I talk to people that are doing an LS Swap, or have an LS Powered late model car, who rattle off some parts they are going to upgrade to “make more power”. Headers,...

Urchfab Takes A Grinder And Welder To An Old Car Trailer To Make It Cooler Than Ever.

When Matt at Urchfab starts working on something you can always count on there being some creative and cool elements to whatever he’s doing, even if what he’s doing is fixing up and old...

Best of 2019: Can You Make A Leaf Blower Fly? Watch As These Guys Give It A Shot!

Do you like to tinker? Do you have a creative streak that needs more than the occasional sketch to satisfy? Then do we have an idea for you…and you can even see an attempt or two made in this...

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The Monster Honda Odyssey: Freshly Machined Hubs And More!

Grind Hard Plumbing Co.’s Honda Odyssey is currently my dream off-road toy. I wanted one of these ATVs as a kid, because I thought they would be at least as fun, if not more fun, than my Honda...

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Door-ectomy: Making A Two-Door 1957 Chevy Out Of A Four-Door

The Aussies don’t care, the South Africans don’t care, and the Japanese don’t care, but in America the majority still believes that there is no place for a four-door vehicle except...

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Open Up: Uncle Tony Explains How To Hog Out A Slant Six Head!

So, among the other projects that are ongoing in his work space, Uncle Tony is busy building up a new Slant Six for his super-lightweight Dodge Dart. He’s intent on making a buzzin’...

Finnegan’s Winter Project: Getting His Twin-Turbo Jet Boat Closer To The Water!

For quite a bit of time now, most of what we’ve seen out of Mike Finnegan has involved his 1955 Chevrolet, “Blasphemi”, and his racing trips that occur in-between rebuilds of the...

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Cummins Into A Komatsu, Part 2: Getting The Dodge-Swapped Bulldozer Up And Going

How many of you would actually and honestly attempt to perform an engine swap on a bulldozer? We’re not talking, “oh, we broke it, get a new engine for it”, we’re talking new...

Proper Trimmings: Shaving The Weight Off Of A Slant-Six Head

The Chrysler Slant Six is one of Uncle Tony’s favorite engines. He’s built a wide variety of engines over the years, yet he keeps coming back to the cast-iron cooking pan simplicity of...

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Wanna Make A Bitchen Belt Grinder For Your Shop At Home? Watch This

Making tools is such a satisfying thing to do. I for one love going into the tool box and grabbing a tool I have built or modified to work better. It always makes you feel good to know you did...