
the car junkie daily magazine.


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Gearhead Destination: Indianapolis Motor Speedway

For the majority of the year it sits silent, a massive monument to man’s quest for speed. The month of May brings it to life, and on Memorial Day every year, a couple hundred thousand people...

Video of the Week: The Hot Rod Lincoln Jump

While we don’t produce and air our own videos any more, that won’t stop us from sharing some of the best gearhead stuff we’ve found in our travels on the Web. Case in point: this...

Fryblogger: Gearhead Burbank Revisited

I don’t think I can top Brian this week. His Barnstormin’-column tirade about how the Nurburgring rage is symbolic of the anti-enthusiast problem with late-model marketing sparked a few...

Montoya Picks NASCAR Over F1. Really.

Juan Pablo Montoya, Formula One driver turned NASCAR left-turner, told the media that he had been offered Formula One rides and turned them all down. He was immediately whisked away to be drug tested...

Jim Wangers’ Big 3 Performance GTO…What Else?

Jim Wangers was the marketing guy behind the Pontiac GTO. We know he’s good at marketing because he’s managed to make a living off that fact for like 40 years. And the hits just keep on...

Hot Rod Drag Week 6-Second Smack Talk is Here!

Finally! After talking about a 7-second average at Drag Week, Denny Terzich and ProRides did it first in 2007. Now that same team–which used to be known for nothing but show cars until they did...

Performance Industry Bailout Plan from Painless Wiring

This is impressive. Recognizing that the performance aftermarket is feeling the pains of recession, Adrian Murray, President of Painless Performance Products (Painless Wiring) has announced the...

The Violation Game: Vantastic!

Welcome to The Violation Game! It’s a new regular feature on FreiburgersJunkyard.com, celebrating the tasteless, the gaudy, and the just plain horrific things that people do to cars. Are we in...

Web Site of the Week: American Iron in Cuba

One of the many tales that make up car-junkie lore is the one about how there are a bunch of great old American cars still being used in Cuba. But aside from the occasional ’50s flatbed truck...

See Us on YouTube, now in WideVision!

We just noticed that YouTube has changed its aspect ratio, going from cramped 4×3 to full HD size. How cool. That’s good enough reason for us to remind you that many of the videos from our...

6.38 Quarter, Naturally Aspirated!

Back when we were living at the old apartment we reported on Sonny Leonard’s newest and baddest ass engine. It was (and is) an 892ci monster that made 2,000 naturally aspirated horsepower on...

Billet Mechanical Fuel Pumps from Holley

Recently on our message board a couple discussions have centered around fuel pumps. Mechanical versus electric, in-tank or inline, manufacturer-versus-manufacturer type of stuff abounds regularly...

Von Smith Goes to Bahrain to Win a Pro Mod race

Von Smith probably has the best driving gig in all of drag racing. As the pilot of the Al-Anabi racing blown ’57 Chevy Pro Mod, he has the best possible car with the best possible pieces, with...

Vintage Racer of the Week: Briggs Cunningham’s Le Monstre

For this first installment of the Vintage Race Car of the week we wanted to show you something you may have never seen or heard about before. First off, this thing is actually a ’50 Cadillac....