
the car junkie daily magazine.


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Marketplace Car Pricing is INSANE!! Can These 2 EXPERTS Guess Correctly?! Finnegan And Tony Angelo Battle It Out!

Used car prices are all over the place right now and in some areas they have gone through the roof and never dropped back down. In other areas you can still find stuff at reasonable prices, but it...

Tony Is Rebuilding His Turbo Junkyard Engine for $200! Surprise!!! It’s BETTER THAN EVER??!

Tony Angelo is back at it and is cracking me up with his ultra cheap engine “rebuild”. I’m not laughing because I think he is crazy or anything, I’m laughing because...

Making 500HP with an $800 Dollar Junkyard Truck Engine And Then Throwing It, And A Tremec 5-Speed, In The 1964 Nova To Thrash!

Making 500 horsepower with a junkyard LS takes very little work, and gives huge return on investment when it comes to smiles. When you add an American Powertrain TKX 5-speed swap to the mix,...