
the car junkie daily magazine.


Category Archive: BangShift Galleries, Car Shows, CAR SHOWS, Event Coverage, Gallery, Trade Shows

SEMA 2018: More After-Hours Work With Some Of The Most Gorgeous Cars You Can Find!

A flathead Ford with Ardun OHC heads and a supercharger. Challengers made of carbon fiber. A Charger merged with a Hellcat Charger. A whole row of pristine white Toyota Supras, representing each...

SEMA 2018: Sneaking Back In After-Hours To See Cars On The Floor!

In the past, I’ve likened shooting photos at the SEMA show to trying to capture a great moment with your friends clearly while you’re in the center of a mosh pit at a Pantera...

SEMA 2018: More Monday Sneak-Peek Photos!

Walking into the Convention Center on the day before SEMA officially kicks off shows you the monster behind the monstrous show. Pallets and crates are everywhere as workers roll out carpet, lay down...

SEMA 2018: A Quick Blast Outside Before The Show Really Kicks Off!

They may have beat me here by a day or so, but now I’m on the ground, camera in hand, ready to give my pedometer something to think about for the next few days! SEMA kicks off officially...

Our 2018 SEMA Show Photo Coverage Continues Right Here!

It’s on baby! The 2018 SEMA Show is in full swing even though it doesn’t actually open until tomorrow! They are moving in cars and booths and all kinds of stuff and it is a sea of crates...

Sneak Peak SEMA 2018 Show Photos! We Got In Sunday And Started Shooting Already!

The SEMA Show officially starts on Tuesday morning, but what is going on with thousands of people running around setting up booths and displays and cars is something to watch. Not only that, but we...

2017 PRI Show Gallery: Race Cars, Motors, Parts, and Boost Makers From The Floor Of The Show

It was a whirlwind weekend at the 2017 PRI show in Indianapolis. McTaggart and I tried to divide and conquer as best we could at the event and while it was a bunch of hustle, it was a bunch of fun...

Professional Racing Industry Show 2017: Parts…Parts As Far As The Eye Can See!

Friday at the PRI show didn’t quite go to plan for yours truly. As we were hitting up the closest drive-through for breakfast, the Angry Grandpa Chrysler’s oil pressure readout flatlined....

Performance Racing Industry Show 2017: On The Floor On A Friday Afternoon

For many who don’t know what the PRI show is, their take on the concept seems to be, “Oh, it’s like SEMA, just smaller and out East, right?” No. Not in the slightest. Ok,...

PRI Show 2017: We Are On The Floor In Indy To Check Out The Latest And Greatest!

It might be absolutely frigid in Indiana this week, but that doesn’t mean squat to us, because we are at the 2017 PRI Show in the Indianapolis Convention Center in Indiana! We look forward to...

SEMA 2017 Photo Gallery: Super Cars, Super Trucks, and Factory Five’s Truly Neat New Pickup!

Here’s a fresh load of images from the 2017 SEMA show! In here we have some interesting cars, some truly bizarre and horrid looking trucks, and then a couple of real honest beauties from the...

SEMA 2017 Coverage: Fabulous Fords From The Blue Oval’s Major League Spread At The Show

It is the automotive version of Athens and Sparta. The Ford Performance display and the Chevrolet Performance display sit within a few hundred feet of each other at SEMA. The two biggest spreads in...

SEMA 2017 Coverage: The Photo Hits Just Keep On Coming, Although Some Of These You’ll Want To Stop

So we’re continuing on our now week long coverage-ganza of the 2017 SEMA show and we’re continuing to show you images of stuff you have not seen from us before. This time we’re...

SEMA 2017 Coverage: Monday Truck-Gasm – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly In South Hall

Welcome to this SEMA 2017 Monday Truck-Gasm. A week ago at this moment we were grabbing credentials, getting into hotels and making heads or tails of the fine city of Las Vegas. Today we’re...