Category Archive: ChadMouth, XL Spotlight
Craigslist Chronicles: Who Do I Have To Kill To Buy A Truck On Craigslist?!
Dec 30, 2016Chad Reynolds14
I’m killing some ass hat before this is over. I mean seriously, how hard is it to shoot photos with your phone, list the features, options, and mileage, and decide on a price? How hard is that?...
You Can’t Drive To Texas From Here! Or…Holy Crap We Are Screwed…
Mar 29, 2016Chad Reynolds17
(Photo courtesy of 2016 has been crazy for me already, and I have several editorials to write, but this one I’m writing on the plane because this morning event’s are...
Chadmouth: WTF Commercials Edition. Dodge’s New Charger Commercials Rule. But What Was Lincoln Thinking?
Sep 29, 2014Chad Reynolds8
While I normally use the fast forward button on my DVR whenever possible, I do enjoy certain commercials for their entertainment value or because they are for something I care about. Such is the case...
When You Kick The Rods Out At 1000 Feet, It Has A Completely Different Set Of Consequences In A Plane. I Almost Died!
Jun 27, 2014Chad Reynolds25
NOTE: I’m sorry it took me awhile to write this. I wanted to do it earlier, but to tell you the truth the seriousness of it started sinking in a couple days later and it just didn’t...
WTF! I Hate People That Put Ads Like This Up On Craigslist!
May 02, 2014Chad Reynolds17
If any of you ever have listened to an Earl Pitts rant on the radio, then think of me as the younger, more hot rod centric version. You know what makes me go “WTF?!” What ads piss me...
Chadmouth: Street Car My Ass!!!! Just Cause It’s Got A Plate Doesn’t Mean It Is!
Apr 25, 2014Chad Reynolds52
This is so not going to go the way you think it is. I’ve long been a proponent of real street cars, but I’ve also never been the guy that drove stuff most people thought of as...
2013’s Best Super Bowl Commercial: Paul Harvey And Ram Trucks.
Feb 02, 2014Chad Reynolds15
We thought that the Ram Truck Commercial that aired during the 2013 Super Bowl was the best one of the bunch. There were plenty of other good ones, including the Audi that the kid took to the prom,...
Chadmouth: Traveling Rants From One Of The Travelenist Guys In Motorsports! Can We Just Cut Their Feet Off?
Dec 16, 2013Chad Reynolds17
I was on the road 36 weekends this year, which is low compared to last year, but still a ton of travel. I defy anyone to have a more polished routine when rolling through airport security, the rental...
Chadmouth: We Have Failed! We’ve Gone International And It’s Killing Baseball, Apple Pie, And Chevrolet.
Sep 24, 2013Chad Reynolds43
We can fix it, but it’s going to hurt. You know, like pulling off a piece of duct tape you used as a band aid. The kind that is all stuck to the scab underneath. But realizing the problem is...
CHADMOUTH: I Need Garage Space! But Don’t We All?
Apr 10, 2013Chad Reynolds10
I know that virtually all of you will say “Me too!” after hearing me say “I need more garage space!”. It’s the universal need of all hot rodders and racers. I have 6...
Apr 09, 2013Chad Reynolds18
Holy crap it sucks to be me. See, I’m the resident Camaro guy…AND the resident Wagon guy. So in my heart I want to like the idea of a ’69 Camaro Station Wagon. But I can’t....
Chadmouth: When I Told Her She Sucked, She Didn’t Appreciate It. At All…
Mar 25, 2013Chad Reynolds10
Last week we ran a Caption This Photo Blog Item with a photo of Bret Voelkel and the 48 Hour Camaro, which he had unfortunately just ran into a concrete barricade. Similar circumstances have occurred...
Chadmouth: Brian Is Wrong! In Comparison To The Delorean, The Cantara Camaro RULES!!!
Feb 19, 2013Chad Reynolds13
So it’s a jillion o’clock at night and I’m sitting here putting up items on Facebook for tomorrow’s content when I come to the Craigslist Find that Brian put up about the...
Chadmouth: The “Can You Believe All This Crap?” Edition
Dec 03, 2012Chad Reynolds14
Ashley Force Hood is knocked up again, ADRL is sold, XDRL is going after them with the old ADRL management staff, Moran has an all billet engine that makes 4400 horsepower with turbos, Mello Yello is...