Category Archive: BangShift XL, CRASH & BURN, FUNNY STUFF, Videos, XL Videos

Crazy Video, Crazier Story: Michigan Circle Track Worker Loses Foot In Tractor Incident – Tractor Runs Free On Circle Track

This is one of those stories that will really make you cringe. For starters, we are glad that the man involved will be OK, if not completely intact. While details about how this whole mess got...

Classic YouTube: You’ve Heard Of Log-Rolling…But What About Log-Jumping?

Here’s a great scenario for you. You’re traveling upstream along a small river in a wooded area in a jet boat. You encounter a log straddling the entire width of the river, bank to bank....

Find A Gear And Disappear: Watch This Driver Reverse Off Of A Highway And Down The Road Like Nobody Is Looking!

I’ve said for years that the program that gets people their driver’s licenses needs a major revamp. What you will see in this video simply piles on to the evidence that can be pulled at...

DOH! Here’s What Happens When The Main Caps Do Not Get Torqued In Your Freshly Built Engine

So we have all been there. Whether it was that little mistake on the first problem of the high school math test that threw off the rest of your answers or perhaps that little mistake with too many...

Guy Rides Through Wall Of Fire, Falls Off Car, Gets Run Over, Walks Away – If You’re Gonna Be Dumb, You Gotta Be Tough

Maybe I am just a big wuss or maybe I’m just not man enough to want to go hurtling down the straight away of a circle track into a wall of burning boards, but I have never had one iota of...

This Crazy 1980s Footage Shows German Cars Being Crash Tested With Human Volunteers!

We’re ALL for safety around here. In fact, we actually buckle up every time we leave the driveway and we make our kids do the same. It’s the cheapest and most reliable protection...

Yeah, He Clenched: Kyle From 1320Video Hops Into Two Psychotic Skylines!

What does it take to leave Kyle from 1320Video so impressed (or scared) that half of his remaining vocabulary after a ride along involves expletives? Remember, folks, this is a dude who got to where...

These Kids Start A Datsun 260Z For The First Time After Sitting For 16 Years!

Making old cars run, particularly cars that have been sitting for years or decades, is often looked at like an impossible task. But the truth is it really depends on why the car or truck was parked...

Video: 1940 Ford Film Touts Factory Parts and Service – Talking Components!

We’re suckers for old-timey news reel style movies from car companies. This gem from Ford was made in 1940 as a device to tell people how great their factory replacement parts and service was....

Leroy And Cleetus McFarland Take Over Hoonigans LIVE In Las Vegas!

One of the 10 rings in the LSFest West circus for 2018 was the Hoonigans’ Daily Transmission LIVE show. It was strategically positioned behind Holleyworld, across from the Sideshow, and next to...

Tech Tips, Killer Stories And Absolutely Zero Filter: Take A Moment And Stop By Uncle Tony’s Garage!

I’m going to explain the actual garage like this: coming back from the Coker Tire cruise-in, I was not doing well. I had only slept four hours over two days, and because of some medical...

Classic YouTube: It’s Midnight And The Streets Are Quiet…Time To Drift The Big Rig!

I can’t lie…I’ve done more dumb things after midnight that even those who really understand me would be capable of understanding. Name it…short of jumping a car, I’ve...

Not So Short, Really Sweet, and Totally Brutal: Watch The Dirty 30 Burn Tires In Downtown Buffalo Leaving The Autorama!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know that burnouts leaving a car show only lead to Mustangs in crowds and all that junk but hear us out. When guys are pulling their bad ass hot rods out of a convention center...

Spin-Cycle: Hoonigan’s Caster-Kart Volvo Is Done! Would You Have The Guts To Ride In It?

It’s a known fact: Take a front-wheel-drive car, leave the powertrain intact and hack everything behind the front seats off and you technically still have a useable car. You’ll have to...