
the car junkie daily magazine.


Why It Broke: This Simple, And Cheap, Fix Can Make Your LS Build Last Forever Instead Of Wiping Out The Cam

Why It Broke: This Simple, And Cheap, Fix Can Make Your LS Build Last Forever Instead Of Wiping Out The Cam

When Richard Holdener does testing, he does it at a level nobody else in the industry can keep up with. He’s likely to test up to a dozen combos in a day, he never spends just one day on the dyno, and he lets you tell him what tests you’d like to see. His test bed is often a junkyard LS engine, but he’s tested everything under the sun in all kinds of configurations. So when he says he found something that will keep you from breaking your engine like he did, then you should be listening. Especially when you realize just how simple and easy it is to fix. We’re talking cheap, readily available parts, that will give your LS engine the lifespan it deserves.

In this video you will find Richard taking apart an LS that you might recognize from several tests, including the compound turbo test, and you will find him explaining why it is coming apart as well. You see he had unexplained camshaft wear that upon further inspection turned out to be caused by a completely non-moving part that you can replace easily and cheaply when building your engine. So watch the video, learn something, and make sure to subscribe because he makes crazy power and is always teaching people stuff. It’s also pretty entertaining usually.

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