
the car junkie daily magazine.


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Paint It, Put It Back Together, And Wheel It! Getting The Jeep Back Together To Go On A Wheelin’ Trip Dirthead Style

Dirthead Dave’s yellow Jeep YJ has been sitting for too long, and it’s time to get it back out on the trail. In order to do that, it needs a couple fixes, some paint, and some prep in...

American Truck Historical Society Show Coverage: More Classic Trucks Of All Shapes And Sizes On Display

We’ve got another great gallery of photos from the ATHS convention and truck show. Check them out below and if you missed any of our other photos then use the link below to see them too! This...

Iron Trap 1932 Ford “DeLorean” Roadster: Blending Old & New Lacquer Paint For A Perfectly Sh*tty Paint Job!!

Patina is something that a car or truck earns for its years of service, and when it is good it is something special. But what if you have a car that has needed some rust repair or needs a replacement...

Auction Photos: Project After Project Just Waiting To Be Saved, Up For Auction In Texas

Here’s another one! Last weekend we went to the town of West Texas for an auction that was pretty incredible. Located at an iconic spot on I35, just south of town, the site had been the talk of...

Halfass Kustoms 1955 Chevrolet NAPCO 4×4 Project: Finishing The Patina To Make All Of This Truck Look Like It’s Been Together Forever

In this new installment of the NAPCO Clone build, Brent has some work to do in order to really make the patina pop, but not before fixing a couple other rust spots and buttoning up some other...

New Inventory At The Wrecking Yard! This 1953 Pontiac 2-Door Hardtop Is Something Special!

Chad at Nobody Else’s Auto has got great cars and trucks always coming into the yard, but when something special catches his eye he’s always sharing. That’s the case with this...

Newbern Finds The Spot Where Tri-Fives And C20’s Go To Die, Plus Tons Of Parts, And Then Buys A Bus To Haul It All With!

Newbern is off for more adventures, and this time he’s getting a tour of a spot in the woods that has C10’s stacked up like cord wood. But not just trucks, tons of parts and pieces and...

Let’s Build A Rotary! This Video Of A Mazda 13B Engine Being Assembled Is Really Cool

The Wankel Rotary engine has had an on-again/off-again affair with OEM production. Companies like NSU and Mazda were in on the rotary program hard and fast for years but time has not exactly been the...

Awesome In-Car Video: Watch A Wingless Sprint Car Pull Huge Wheelies Off the Corners Of A Dirt Track!

As the world has known for like 100 years, Sprint Cars are awesome. Case in point, this video which shows a wingless sprint car making laps on a dirt track and pulling the front end off the ground on...

Can You Friction Weld With Your Home Drill Press? If The Answer Was Kind Of Would You Be Interested?

We love internet videos where people just film themselves trying stuff to see if it works. It is interesting to be a part of the discovery process, especially if it involves something that...

American Truck Historical Society Show Coverage: Classic Trucks Of All Shapes And Sizes On Display

We’ve got another great gallery of photos from the ATHS convention and truck show. Check them out below and if you missed any of our other photos then use the link below to see them too! This...

New Products: Holley Sniper EFI Fuel Tanks for 1974-1980 and 1981-1993 Dodge D100/D150 Trucks

There are a lot of parts that you can fabricate yourself in the shop. But just because you can, doesn’t always mean that doing so is the best option, the cheapest option, or the most efficient...

Auction Photos: More Tri-Five Chevrolets, C10’s, And More Just Waiting To Be Saved, Up For Auction In Texas

Last weekend we went to the town of West Texas for an auction that was pretty incredible. Located at an iconic spot on I35, just south of town, the site had been the talk of hot rodders and...

Tony Stewart On NHRA: ‘There Isn’t Anything Else I’ve Done In My Life That Shakes You So Hard’

There you go, straight out of Tony Stewart’s mouth, and we love him for it. I’ve spent some time with Tony and Leah recently and can tell you that they are serious competitors, great...