Category Archive: 1320 Event Coverage, 1320 Gallery, BangShift 1320, BangShift Galleries, Drag Races

Wheels Up Stock And Super Stock Action Photos From The 2014 NHRA O’Reilly Spring Nationals

(Photos by Charles Wickam) – It was a great weekend of drag racing in Texas just a couple days back as the NHRA tour swung though Royal Purple Raceway and fans flooded in from all over the...

PSCA Drag Racing Finally Returns To AutoClub Dragway In Fontana And We’ve Got Photos!

The look of satisfaction on the faces of the Ray Wilkings, General Manager of Auto Club Speedway, Tracy Fischle, Track Manager at Auto Club Dragway, and Mel Roth, President of the Pacific Street Car...

Radial Resurrection: Index Racers Dial It In At Brainerd Optimist Drag Strip

(Words and Photos by Tommy Lee Byrd) – Yesterday we posted a gallery of photos from the Radial Resurrection event at Brainerd Optimist Drag Strip, showcasing the incredible turnout of Drag...

Action Gallery: The Tennessee Take Over At I-40 Dragway – Southern Grudge Race Madness (Video, too!)

(Words and photos by Tommy Lee Byrd) – Part three of Tommy Lee Byrd’s car guy weekend wrapped up with a bit of eighthmile drag racing at I-40 Dragway in Crossville, Tennessee. The track has...

Pro Mod Action – Extreme Outlaw Pro Modifieds Take Over Virginia Motorsports Park!

(Words and photos by Benoit Pigeon) – Powerful weekend in Virginia at VA Motorsports Park for the first EOPM race of the year.  The event on Saturday April 12, was a special one as Stuart...

Outlaw Fuel Altered Association Photos – More Action From North Star Dragway In Texas

(Photos by Brad Klaassen) – Last weekend the Outlaw Fuel Altered Association and the Southwest Heritage Racing Association held an awesome early season event at North Star Dragway in Texas. The...

Action Gallery: Painless Performance Outlaw Fuel Altereds And SHRA Racing From North Star Dragway

(WORDS AND PHOTOS BY BRAD KLAASSEN) – So, what do you do the first weekend in April if you live in the south? Well, if that state is Texas, you go drag racing. And that’s just what happened...

IHRA San Antonio 2014 – More Nitro Soaked Photos From The Drags!

(Photos by Bob Snyder) – We have to thank Bob Snyder for this latest batch of photos from the 2014 IHRA Nitro Jam at San Antonio Raceway in Texas. Although it has been a few years since...


(Words and Photos by Brad Klaassen) – As many of you hard core Bangshifters already know, the IHRA revamped their racing program for the 2014 racing season with their new Nitro Jam Pro Touring...

Summer Fun: Doug Gregory Looks Back At His Adventure To And Time At The Holley NHRA National Hot Rod Reunion

(Words and Photos by Doug Gregory) – I’ll leave my bias out of this one because when it comes to nostalgia racing….I can’t come up with something I don’t like. 2013 was our second...

IHRA Nitro Jam Tucson Race Gallery – Funny Cars, Fuel Altereds, NItro Harleys, Sportsman Action, More!

(Photos by Darr Hawthrone and Bob Snyder) – Like we told you in the race report which appears just below this item on the front page, the IHRA Nitro Jam’s new format was a big hit in...

BangShift Race Report: Revitalized IHRA Nitro Jam Roars To Life In Tucson, Arizona – Results, Photos, Inside Scoop HERE!

(Words by Darr Hawthorne and IHRA PR Photos by Bob Snyder and Darr Hawthorne) -I can’t remember the last time I attended an event under the sanction of the International Hot Rod Association, it...

March Meet Highlight Reel: “Bad” Brad Klaassen’s Favorite Photos Of People, The Pits, And Racecars!

(Photos by Brad Klaassen) – More March Meet stuff you say? Hey, it is still March so we’re good. BangShift contributor Brad Klaassen sent us his highlight reel of photos from the 2014...

March Meet Bonus Photos From Mike And Jeff Burghardt. There Is Some Sexy Stuff Here!

(Photos by Mike and Jeff Burghardt) I told you yesterday that we were going to have some more bonus photos from the 2014 March Meet, and I didn’t lie. Plus, there are some cool ones in here we...