
the car junkie daily magazine.


Category Archive: Metal Fabrication, OTHER, TECH, Tech Stories, Videos

Sheet Metal Fab: 1967-72 Chevy & GMC Truck Roof, Inner Visor Area & Drip Rail Rust Repair

The bad news about loving old cars and trucks is that they have lived a long life as vehicles that got people too and from work, hauled parts and lumber and hay, and likely got run into by other...

Simple Hacks For A More Organized Shop/Garage: Check This Out!

I was impressed with this video on shop organization, not because every single thing was mind blowing, or because every single idea would apply to my own garage, but because there were a handful of...

The Internet Says That Using A File This Way Will Ruin It! Does The Internet Have A Clue?

Sometimes good people make comments on videos and such telling people how they are doing things wrong. Sometimes they do this to be a know it all, or to bash on people, but sometimes it is because...

New RetroBright Headlights Are The Ultimate Modern LED Upgrade For Your Muscle Car That Light Up The Night But Still Look Right During The Day!

RetroBright is the perfect name for these new LED lights that replace factory sealed beams in 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s vehicles. They provide modern LED...

Metal Fabrication: More Video Instruction On How To Chop The Top On A 1932 Ford

Here is the fourth installment of videos from Walden Speed Shop on how to chop the top on a bitchin 1932 Ford. If you missed the first installment, use the link below to watch them first. Chopping a...

More Speed! One Bolt On Part Gave Newbern And Finnegan 5 More Miles Per Hour Out Of The LS Jet Boat!

We’re used to seeing Finnegan and Newbern thrash on a variety of cars and trucks, and of course boats. This LS powered jet boat is one that has put huge smiles on their faces, but not without a...

Edd China’s Workshop Diaries: Is The Mini Rally Build Finally Complete?

If you’ve been following our Edd China Workshop Diaries videos then you know that he’s been working on a friend’s Mini Cooper rally race car. The thing came in for what should have...

Edd China’s Workshop Diaries: Why The Hell Is Edd Putting A Diesel Engine In His Electric Ice Cream Truck?

Well… that didn’t take long. Apparently someone else wants the Mercedes Sprinter Van ice cream truck, but without the electric motor and drivetrain. We’re not exactly sure why, but...

Decisions, Decisions: Which Fuel Tank Is Right For Your Ride? Carb Or Fuel Injection Ready?

One of the worst things about building a hot rod, muscle car, street machine, truck, or whatever else is sitting in your garage is the decisions you have to make about what parts to use. On the one...

Death Metal Charger Road Test! This 2JZ Swapped Death Trap Is Ready For Rev-Limiter Burnouts!

Finnegan and Newbern are back at it! Yep, working on cars again, having fun, laughing, and pissing a bunch of you Mopar purists off by swapping a 2JZ Toyota turbo engine into the Death Metal Charger....

Drastically Changing The Look Of This 1934 Coupe With Simple Bolt-On Upgrades

It’s amazing how much you can change the look of a car with simple bolt-on upgrades like wheels, tires, bumpers, etc. Just this week our friend Tommy bolted a set of steelies with dog dish...

Fuel System Tech: Fuel Tank Upgrade Swap On An S10 Chassis Swapped 1950 Chevrolet Truck

S10 chassis are incredibly versatile. Sharing all the front suspension with a GM G-Body, or Metric, Chassis means that there are a lot of easy-to-get parts from the aftermarket, the auto parts store,...

Paint How To: Custom Painting Candy Metal Flake Hot Rod Flames

I’ve never painted a car or truck, but would like to try. I think painting anything is pretty daunting sounding, but painting flames or graphics seems like something otherworldly to me. When...


Edd China’s Workshop Diaries: Will The Mini Rally Suspension Finally Get Finished? Can This Little Threaded Insert Live Through Rally Action?

Edd China has been struggling with getting this poor Mini’s suspension system ready to race for far too long. With parts issues, some old car issues, and more, it has been a bit frustrating...