Category Archive: Apex Video, BangShift APEX, BangShift News, ENGINES, TECH, Videos

Update Video: Here’s The Latest Installment Of The Hagerty Cadillac 365 Rebuild – Fun At The Machine Shop

We’re digging the Cadillac 365 project and this latest installment is a good one. Broken into a couple of parts, we see the layout of all the parts and components that Davin is working with to...

Down In A Hole: How To Extract Broken Bolts And Studs With Some Cool Cheap Tools

Broken bolts suck. Especially when you know you have one but can’t see just how bad it is because the part it is supposed to be holding on is still in the way. You know, like when you break the...

Dyno Testing A 4.3L V8, The Mini LT1 Gets Ported Heads, Various Headers, Cams, And More! How Much Power Can It Make!

Richard is back at it, on the dyno at Westech, and testing all kinds of stuff on the Mini LT1. What’s a Mini LT1? Well, it’s a 4.3L version of the LT1 small block of the 1990s that...

Here’s How You Install A 4-Post Lift! The Muscle Rod Shop Gang Installs A Brand New Bendpak

I’ve assembled, disassembled, and assembled 4-post lifts several times. Some of my own, and some for others, and although the brands have varied, the installation is super similar regardless of...

This Hydraulic Welding Table Build Is An Awesome, And Useful, Addition To The Shop!

Welding tables make me happy. Seriously, I love them. I love it when shops have old ones with 1/2 thick tops on them that weigh so much that they came with the building. I love the new trend toward...

The Challenger Revival, Part 28: The Finish Line Is In Sight For The E-Body’s Rebuild!

Before you watch this video, before you read any more words, go back and look up the first part of this video series, either here or on YouTube. Mid-2019, Dylan McCool dragged home a 1973 Dodge...

Learn How To Bead Roll With Finnegan! He Brings Jamey Jordan In To Give Him A Personal How To.

Bead rolling is something I have only done a couple of times in my life, and never for more than a couple ribs to strengthen a floppy panel. If I owned a bead roller, that might be different, but...

Just When You Think There Isn’t Anything That Hasn’t Been LS Swapped, These Guys LS Swap A Jet Ski. Yes, Yes, Yes!

Jet Ski, personal watercraft, whatever you want to call them they are a riot to go scooting across the water on and they tend to put a smile on anyone’s face who’s ever sat on one. Over...

Don’t Throw Away That Leaking, Slow, Busted Floor Jack Or Bottle Jack In The Garage. Fix It, It’s Easy!

Because tools and equipment have gotten so much cheaper over the years, we all tend to throw away something that doesn’t work instead of bringing it back to life in the garage. What’s...

These Engine Mounts Are Super Rad And Not Cast Or Machined. You Can Make Them In Your Shop At Home.

Engine mounts are usually a pretty boring affair on most cars and trucks, but on a hot rod or street rod they tend to be pretty visible so it isn’t uncommon to see something better looking....

21 Horsepower Couch! Yep, You Know You Are Cool When Your Couch Is Rated In Horsepower!

I don’t know if it is cooler that this guy built a 21 horsepower couch, complete with a diff out of a garden tractor, or that he TIG welds the damn thing together! To be fair, this is not a...

Finnegan’s Body Dropped And LT Swapped C10 Is Back. It’s Broke, But It’s Back. And It’s Being Fixed.

Sometimes I think Finnegan has been hanging out with Freiburger for too long, because he could tear up a crowbar. Hell, his C10 hasn’t even been driven yet and he’s already breaking...

Tre5 Customs’ 1964 Suburban Build Is In Full Thrash Mode To Get Ready For Lone Start Throwdown At The End Of The Month!

The guys at Tre5 Customs have been building some pretty cool custom trucks, and lately some really cool early C10s which I love. But when they announced their 1964 Suburban build, I got truly excited...

Ron Covell’s Tips For Snips Will Help End The Confusion On Which Ones Are Right To Use Where

When you open up your toolbox to get a pair of tin snips out, do you wonder why you have both red and green and which one to use where? Well you are not alone. With that said, paying attention to...