
the car junkie daily magazine.


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SEMA 2018: Aeromotive Introduces the “Signature Body” Series Brushless Fuel Pumps

Innovation takes on interesting forms, right? Sometimes when you advance technology or you make a better mouse trap you need to consider how that device will effect existing people and customers....

2018 NTPA NC State Fair Southern Showdown Action Photos: Beastly Machines Against The Sled

(Photos by David Whealon) – Its about the only motorsport left in the world where turbines and piston engines compete heads up, anymore. Boat racing was another bastion of such stuff but the...

2018 Street Machinery Inventory Intervention Show Coverage: Gray Skies, Rusty Cars, Cool Stuff

(Photos by Mike Brooks) – Euclid Ohio’s Street Machinery is a neat place. They have 200+ cars in their “Patina Plantation” which are all intended to be customer projects and...

SEMA 2018 : MAHLE Aftermarket Announced New H and V Series Coated Performance Bearings

While the shined up hot rods and show cars bring loads of attention at the 2018 SEMA Show, the reality is that parts and components are what this show is rooted in. MAHLE Aftermarket continues to be...

SEMA 2018: And Now That The Show Is Officially Open…

(Photos: Chad Reynolds) It’s only now that SEMA 2018 is officially open! Yeah, no joke, Tuesday morning is the first official day of the show…which means that we’ve been...

Meet The “Hellephant”: 426 Cubic Inches, 1000 Horsepower, 950 Ft/Lbs Of Torque!

In Mopar lore, a 426 cubic inch Hemi-headed engine was trouble, pure and simple. It didn’t matter what body it was shoved into…from the absolutely ferocious Hemi Darts and A-body...

SEMA 2018: More After-Hours Work With Some Of The Most Gorgeous Cars You Can Find!

A flathead Ford with Ardun OHC heads and a supercharger. Challengers made of carbon fiber. A Charger merged with a Hellcat Charger. A whole row of pristine white Toyota Supras, representing each...

SEMA 2018: Sneaking Back In After-Hours To See Cars On The Floor!

In the past, I’ve likened shooting photos at the SEMA show to trying to capture a great moment with your friends clearly while you’re in the center of a mosh pit at a Pantera...

Car Show Coverage: 2018 Street Machine Inventory Intervention – Big Fun!

(Words and photos by Mike Brooks) – If you haven’t heard of Street Machinery in Euclid, OH by now, you most likely have been living under a rock. The shop has been a staple in the Cleveland...

Wait, WHAT? Chevrolet Unveils eCOPO Camaro – 8-9 Second Capable Electric COPO Camaro!

This was one we never, ever saw coming. Hell, it sounds like something straight out of an April Fool’s story. Instead, it is very real, Chevrolet has created an 800-volt eCOPO concept that they...

SEMA 2018: The SpeedKore Performance 1970 Charger “Evolution” Is An All Carbon Fiber Masterpiece

There are a handful of cars that actually live up to the their advanced billing at the SEMA show. The SpeedKore Performance 1970 Charger “Evolution” is one of them. A follow up act to...

Aeromotive Releases The Apex Phantom and Phantom Bladder Baffle – Uninterrupted Fuel For Extreme Situations

SEMA week is always a hotbed of new products and parts hitting the street and today’s no exception! Aeromotive has releases their new Apex Phantom and the Phantom Bladder Baffle. These are two...

SEMA 2018 Coverage: This Visual Feature on The Corruptt Mustang Rules – Twin Turbo Ferrari Power

While walking the 2018 SEMA floor last night I came across this car, a Mustang known as Corruptt. The body has been modified in so many subtle ways it will make your head spin. The interior is...

2018 NTPA NC State Fair Southern Showdown Action Photos: Trucks, Tractors, Diesels, Gas Burners, and More Hooked To The Sled

(Photos by David Whealon) — Tractor pullers are a lucky bunch. Unlike drag racing where the sport gets packed up and parked for months there’s a winter season to look forward to. The...