Category Archive: Apex Sideways, Apex Video, BangShift APEX

What’s It Like To Be Thrown Into A Strange Racing Series? Roadracer Mike Musto Gets His First Taste Of Drifting

A day after I took our project Chrysler 300C to the NCM Motorsport Park’s road course, I was having a chat with a friend of mine who shares the whole automotive addiction thing, explaining the...

This 1964 Ginetta G4 R Is An English Racer With An Italian Name That Looks Like An American Legend

Normally when I am scanning eBay looking for cool stuff, I skip the sales that are ending before they’ll hit the front page but even though this auction will have ended by the time you read...

2015 Z/28 Camaro For Sale Cheap In Texas – Needs Some Body Work (Can You Repack Airbags?)

BangShifter Scott Inman shot us a note with the link to this thoroughly mangled 2015 Z/28 Camaro. This is one of the few and the proud 2015 Z/28s to be produced and it has been reduced to a pile of...

Parting Ways: Is This Dusty Smashed Grand National Worth The Scratch?

(Parting Ways is a new semi-regular blog item where Nutting scours the internet for interesting parts cars for his fictional parts car business) Before I dive into the horror that is this...

Car Feature: Street Legal Circle Track Camaro Is A Unique, Homebuilt, Corner Burning Monster

(Words and photos by Jim Volgarino) – A true gearhead can point to some seminal moment when he or she was struck by an unexplainable epiphany. That moment when you knew things had changed and...

Watch Two Buffoons Crash An ATV While Trying To Show Off For A News Camera – Hit And Run!

While we certainly have nothing on the Buffalo area here in Massachusetts yet, we’re getting there with repeated large snowfalls over the last couple of weeks (and another two feet rumored to...

Watch This Install Of A Total Control Products G-Bar Rear 4-Link In A Mustang

Earlier this week we showed you Jason Lewis’ Mustang project, and the video of him installing a Total Control Products Front Coil-Over suspension system on it. The system is pretty trick, but...

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Project Angry Grandpa: We Take Our 300C To The NCM Motorsports Park For Some Exercise!

(Track photos of the car courtesy of JRP Photos) Testing a two-ton RWD car on a racetrack on a cold morning in late January sounds like the dumbest idea in the world. Tires won’t be up to...

This 1967 Intermeccanica Torino Is A Magnificent Mix Of Italian Styling And Ford V8 Power – Wow!

The 1960s definitely produced the best mixes of American power and European styling. Yes, the Pantera was pretty awesome in the 1970s but there were so many things happening in the 1960s with cars...

Video Install Of A Classic Mustang Total Control Products Coil-Over Front Suspension System

Jason Lewis at AutoEdit is doing a complete build on a classic Mustang, and we’ll be showing you all kinds of stuff that is going on with the project, but this installment shows the...

Keep Your WRX or EVO, We’ll Take This Chopped 1949 Ford As Our Dirt Car Of Choice!

Okay, it might be a 1950. Either way, this dude in Finland kicks ass with his ’49 or ’50 Chopped Ford Custom on wide whites, steelies, and the whole deal. We’re talking tearing up...

Planning Your 2015 Car Show Calendar? OPGI Has A 50 State List Of Shows You Need To Check Out!

We’ve told you repeatedly in the past to make sure that your are checking out the OPGI blog because it isn’t about just telling you about the newest fender that they are making or the...

The Guys At Road And Track Drove The Very First Mustang Special Service Patrol Car Ever And We’re Jealous

(Photos by Zack Bowman) – The other day Road and Track’s Zack Bowman sent me a note and said, “Hey you might dig this story…”. A mere second before I was about to tell...

Big News: Speedway Motors Steps Up To Create The 2015 Speedway Motors CAM Challenge Powered By SCCA

We have been huge cheerleaders for the Classic American Muscle class developed by the SCCA for their autocross competitions across the country. The idea of giving guys with classic pro touring cars...