Category Archive: 1320 Engine Tech, 1320 Tech Story, Apex Engine Tech, Apex Tech Stories, ENGINE, ENGINES, TECH, Tech Stories, Videos


When you want to make more power with your LS engine, there are not shortage of bolt on parts that will help you reach your power goals. Camshafts, heads, intakes, all the normal performance parts...

Do Tunnel Rams Really Make More Power? Carb vs EFI Intake Testing On A 468 Cubic Inch Stroker LS

Everyone in the hot rodding world seems to have a favorite intake manifold design, and there has never been a better time to be a hot rodder or racer because there has never been a time in our lives...

What Happens When You Max Out A Turbo? Will More Boost Make More Power?

When you talk turbos, and boost, everyone knows that more is better right? I mean the fact that a turbo is rated at a specific power level doesn’t matter if you can get it to give more boost...

Does A Turbo Car Need A Different Gear Ratio Than Any Other Combo? How Do You Determine Which Ratio Is Right For You?

Gears are a magical thing. They can be used to transfer power in all kinds of ways and by combining gears of different sizes, you can make gear ratios that effectively manage, multiply, or divide...

Clutch Performance: Clay Millican Takes You Through A McLeod Clutch Install On The Back Of His Gen III Hemi Project

Outside of being a great top fuel driver and all around good guy, Clay Millican is a gearhead who loves to work on projects in his home shop. His current mission is building a hemi-swapped Dodge...

Here’s How You Balance A Crankshaft: Watch As Jim’s Automotive Machine Balances The Crank In This Pontiac Engine

Last week we shared a cool video about grinding the rod journals on the crankshaft that is about to get balanced, which is all a part of a series of videos from Jim’s Automotive Machine...

Ever Wonder How They Grind Crankshafts? Watch This Video And See Just How It All Happens Using This Pontiac Crank As The Example

Watching engine parts get machined is always cool, but some of the machining operations are way cooler than others. Decking a block is pretty mundane, and so is boring and honing, even though there...

Fire Safety: Finnegan Is Making Sure The Caddy Project Has All The Fire Protection It Needs

Anyone who knows me knows that racing safety is a very important thing to me, and that fire systems in particular are something I’m pretty passionate about. My friend Lyle Barnett was involved...

Alex Taylor’s Quest For The Sixes Means Lots Of Work In Little Time For The 1955 Chevrolet

These are the videos you have all been waiting for, the ones where the giant thrash in the final days of the 1955 Chevrolet build happen. There was a lot of trick stuff happening in very little time,...

Old School: Check Out This Steve Morris Built 372ci Small Block Chevy With A ProCharger and Carb! 1,100hp!

The small block Chevy isn’t dead. No, it’s no longer the most cutting edge or sexy engine platform to talk about but the little mouse motor still has a massive base of parts for it and...

How To Video: Building Custom Spark Plug Wires At Home Isn’t Hard, And Makes For A Super Clean Install

If you have a stock, meaning un-modified, car and need a new set of spark plug wires, there is absolutely nothing wrong with going down to your local parts store and buying a replacement set....

Alex Taylor’s Quest For The 6’s 1955 Chevy Project Is Legal! They Got Their NHRA Chassis Cert!

No amount of thrashing will get you on the race track legally unless you’ve got an NHRA Chassis Certification. The car doesn’t have to be completely finished in order to get inspected and...

Alex Taylor’s Quest For The 6’s 1955 Chevrolet Build Is Looking Awesome, And Here’s The Build Before The Thrash Began.

The installation of electronics is something that you just can’t overlook in a car like this. It has become the norm in anything with a turbocharger or supercharger and EFI, which means that...

Every Good Race Car Has Power Windows, Right? Alex Taylor’s Six Second ’55 Chevy Is Coming Together!

More updates, including the power windows going in the carbon fiber doors on Alex’s ’55 Chevy. It sounds funny to put them into a hot street car like this, but they are arguably easier to...