
the car junkie daily magazine.


Category Archive: CHEVY, Project Cars, SUSPENSION, TECH, Tech Stories, Videos

$3,500 Build: Moving The Axle, Installing The Air Bags, And Test Fitting The Body On The $3,500 Budget ’51 Chevy Build

The last few videos have stacked up on this project and you are going to see all kinds of stuff getting torn apart, before some new stuff finally gets put back together. Bagging a custom that is...

Watch This 120 Ton Dozer’s Broken Ripper Tooth Get Flame Cut And Welded To Better Than New Shape!

I grew up with oxy-acetylene cutting torches and stick ARC welders. I didn’t weld with a MIG machine until I was in high school, and didn’t TIG until I was in college. And while I’m...

Ever Wonder How They Grind Crankshafts? Watch This Video And See Just How It All Happens Using This Pontiac Crank As The Example

Watching engine parts get machined is always cool, but some of the machining operations are way cooler than others. Decking a block is pretty mundane, and so is boring and honing, even though there...

Army Truck Trailer Build: Ramps, Welding, Lighting And More On The 7 Ton M1083A1 Trailer Project

In this installment of the Army Trailer build there is more welding, ramps getting finished, lighting, bracing, some paint, and more. There is still plenty left to do after these two videos though,...

Finnegan’s First Burnout In His C10! Wait, What? How The Hell Has It Taken This Long To Do Burnouts?

When I saw the title of this video I have to admit there was a moment where I thought about sending Mike a text asking him if he’s been feeling alright because we’ve been friends a long...

Piston Flipping For Power? What Kind Of Mopar Voodoo Is Going On Here?

Pistons are directional in most combinations, but apparently, there has been a common practice of installing them upside down and backward in some Mopar combinations for more power. Or at least that...

Army Truck Trailer Build: Moving, Mounting, And Clearancing The Deck On The 7 Ton M1083A1 Trailer Project

This M1083A1 trailer build is pretty impressive. Building a triple axle trailer at home is in itself a pretty impressive project, but to take that on with the goal of adding a flatbed from an M1083A1...

Finding The Limit: This Video Shows Turbocharger And Boost Level Testing To The Failure Point

When companies develop products or new systems, testing them on the dyno is really important. It’s important to test them at the level most people will use them and it is also important to test...

How To Choose The Right Welder For Your Garage Regardless Of Your Skill Level! Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced Machines

Some people have a really hard time making decisions on what to buy, even on the simplest purchases. So when it comes time to make a purchasing decision on something more complicated, it can be...

Project Binky Update: Reassembly Is Well Underway! When Will It Make Its First Drive?

Well, it is moving forward. Not under its own power, but it is moving forward and we are so excited. The electronics, mechanicals, and more are all going in or getting ready to go in because this...

Make A Press Form To Emboss Sheet Metal With Only A Grinder, File, And Shop Press.

Wait, I lied. He uses a welder too, in order to weld a brace on the die and to weld together the female side of this press form. But in theory, you could bolt those parts together, it would just take...

Fire Safety: Finnegan Is Making Sure The Caddy Project Has All The Fire Protection It Needs

Anyone who knows me knows that racing safety is a very important thing to me, and that fire systems in particular are something I’m pretty passionate about. My friend Lyle Barnett was involved...

Adding Lights To Your Garage Door Can Make Your Garage So Much Nicer To Work In

The average garage has some fluorescent lights hung on the ceiling if you’re lucky, and while they may provide “okay” lighting while the garage is closed, opening the overhead door...

Custom Console Build: Step By Step Building A Console For A 1971 GMC Jimmy. This Thing Is Trick!

Another awesome project how to from Make It Kustom is right here. And if you are looking for some inspiration and technique to make your next console, then this is the video for you. I’ll be...