
the car junkie daily magazine.


Category Archive: Hack of the Week, OTHER, Tech Stories

Don’t Have A Bead Roller But Want To Form A Beaded Panel? Here’s How To Hammer Form One In Your Shop With Standard Tools

If you have ever wanted to build a beaded panel for a project, then you know that very often the bead roller is the way to go. Of course it depends on what kind of beads you are trying to make, but...

Which Compression Ratio Is Best For A Power Adder Engine Combo? Is 8.5:1 The Way To Big Power Or Does 10:1 Work Even Better?

Big power combos under boost have always required lower compression ratios than a Naturally Aspirated combination, or at least that’s what we’ve been told. But is that true? Or is there...

The Smallest Block: Machine Work And Assembly Of The Hagerty Honda CT70 Engine

It has been a while since we’ve heard about the Hagerty CT70 bike restoration project. Those little machines are some of the most coveted in the pits of any race track and certainly people who...

Dyno Video: It’s Not Pretty, But It Doesn’t Make Much Power. Low Buck, Junkyard Dodge Magnum 360 Mods, Part 1

When you think Magnum, you think big. So it’s only natural for everyone to have thought that big power numbers should come along with the Magnum 360 name when Dodge put them out in their trucks...

Can Rebeldryver Make A Cheap Parts Boat With A Hole In It Into A Cheap Fun Boat? Or, Will It Sink?

There are many of us who have bought some kind of parts vehicle only to get it home and realize it might be too good, or too fun, to cut up and use just for the parts. That goes for both too....

$3,500 Build: Did He Choose The Wrong Chassis? The Chopped, Channeled, Bagged, And Bitchin Chevrolet Project Is Underway

More progress, but with some hiccups too. What should Casey do? He’s asking your opinions on this one, because he may have chosen the wrong chassis for this build. After successfully building...

This Homemade Welding Fixture Table Is Awesome, And Includes Killer Storage For Your Garage

I’ve featured plenty of welding and fixture table builds here on the site, because I’m a welder and LOVE a good workbench, welding table, or fixture table. Since I’m always on the...

$3,500 Build: A Chassis Swapped, Bagged, And Chopped 1954 Chevrolet Build For Just $3,500

After successfully building an F100 for just $1,000, it would seem that building a 1954 Chevy would be a snap for $3,500. But it’s not that simple when you consider what Casey is going to do,...

Alex Taylor’s Quest For The 6’s 1955 Chevy Project Is Legal! They Got Their NHRA Chassis Cert!

No amount of thrashing will get you on the race track legally unless you’ve got an NHRA Chassis Certification. The car doesn’t have to be completely finished in order to get inspected and...

LS Swap Cruise Control Made Simple! Use Factory Parts To Add Cruise Control To Your LS Swapped Ride

Cruise control is a nice thing to have in your car or truck, but it isn’t always easy to do in your hot rod or truck that has had a late-model engine swap. For years we’ve used the Dakota...

Sheet Metal Tech: How To Bead Roll 2 STYLES of Door Panels!! Quilted Diamonds & Scales!!

Aluminum door panels can be super cool looking on hot rods, race cars, street machines, and trucks alike. From simple to complex, we’ve seen all kinds of them on all kinds of applications. The...

The F-Bomb Project Is Getting Close To Done! Finishing The Fuselage With Ron Covell

Ron is continuing to piece this project together, and in this video he finished making the complete fuselage by building an interesting piece that is pretty simple actually and insures that each end...

Pump Gas Power: Can You Make 900 Reliable Horsepower, On Pump Gas, With A Blown Big Block Chevrolet?

Big power has never been easier to make, but that doesn’t mean that all of the crazy power can be made reliably. Certainly, there is so much new technology helping out, but that isn’t...

Mini Cooper Rally Suspension Upgrades Continue! Edd China’s Workshop Diaries Keeps Cracking On The Mini Project.

Well, this Mini Cooper S is not going down without a fight, that is for sure. In fact, it’s like this thing thought it was going to spend it’s life just hauling kids and groceries around...