
the car junkie daily magazine.

Monster Truck Video: Watch The Full Monster Jam Freestyle Show #4, From Anaheim Stadium!

Monster trucks are cool. I don’t care how old you get, there is something about watching them fly through the air that makes everyone feel like a kid again. Which is why they are so popular...

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MAKING A Wood HAMMER Formed Firewall: Part 2 – DIY Hammer Forming Because BEADROLLING Can’t Do THIS!

Hammer forming is one of the oldest forms of precision sheet metal forming. It’s how many early car body panels were made, and is the process that led to stamping of sheet metal parts. But the...

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Car Feature Video: The “Ardun Killer” – Cody Walls 1932 Ford Coupe Al Slonaker Award Contender in Bare Metal

Damn, this is a hot rod! I’m in love with this thing and it’s only in bare metal for a pre-paint photo shoot right here. Thanks to John Jackson, for sharing this behind the scenes video,...

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Making Cheap Rust Coat Look Like Factory Paint – Insane Rustoleum Results That Will Surprise You!

Cheap DIY paint jobs totally intrigue me as our regular readers and viewers will know. I have never painted a car myself, but am planning for one this year, and have looked at just about every option...

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Dennis Taylor Gives Us A Rundown On How to RESTORE Aluminum Wheels With Crazy Before And After Results

Dennis is back at it in the shop, and since there aren’t many things Dennis doesn’t do on his own it should come as no surprise that he’s restoring a set of American Racing Wheels...

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How It’s Made: Take A Tour Of The Craftsman Toolbox Factory And See How Real USA Made Toolboxes Are Created

Toolboxes are awesome, and we all love them, but boy are there a lot of different options out there. You can buy them in every color in the rainbow, at just about any price point, and with any...

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DIY MegaCab Bumpside Ford Project: These Doors Are Going To Need Some Attention

Here we go with Part 5 of this custom-built crew cab, or MegaCab as they are calling it, bumpside Ford pickup and in this episode there is a lot of door fab going on. Building something like this...

DIY Shop Tool: Turning A 16 inch Long Chunk Of Railroad Track Into An Anvil For Your Shop

Using not much more than an angle grinder and a tape measure, you can make a VERY nice small anvil for your shop. While it seems like it would be awesome to have a big anvil that weighs hundreds of...

The Make It Kustom Mini 1956 Buick Project: Custom Fender Skirts! Metal Shaping In Miniature

It runs and it drives, the body flips up, and Karl has made some ride height adjustments that give it the slightest tail dragger stance which is what this thing needs to look bitchin. But what about...

5 Day KSR Burnout Car Build Part 5: Is This The Best Sounding Header Ever? I Just Want To See The Smoke!

Here’s the sixth video in the series as Kevin and the crew do everything they can to get this car done in 5 days for this weekend’s Cleetus and Cars in Bristol. We’re going to share the videos...

Finnegan’s Garage Drag Week Adventures: When An Engine Swap Doesn’t Work, Then Do A Complete Rebuild!

They are rebuilding the engine! We were super stoked that Finnegan was going to be back at Drag Week with Blasphemi, after it’s two-year hiatus, but man they are already on a tough road....

Hand Tool Rescue: Watch This 100 Year Old Vice – Drill – Anvil Combo Get Restored, Totally Oddball Tool

Perhaps our favorite part of watching the videos on the Hand Tool Rescue channel beyond the old school craftsmanship, is seeing the weird array of tools that the guy manages to get his hands on and...

Vintage 1960s Drag Racing Video: Killer Footage Cool Cars, and Even Some Turbonique Action!

It has been a while since I combed YouTube for some vintage 1960s drag racing video. My search the other day garnered the awesomeness below which features footage from places like Dover, Lebanon...

Watch This Guy Drive His Behemoth Caterpillar 666 Tractor Around The Streets In England Like He Owns The Place

This ain’t your lumbering old tractor video here, kids. Nope, this is way better than that. While I am not sure what year this Caterpillar 666 tractor is I can tell you that it is way faster...

This Is What A Truck Driver Looks Like – A Cool, Calm, and Calculated Logging Road U-Turn

There’s a difference between a person who drives a truck and a truck driver. This video shows a truck driver making a U-turn on what seems to be an impossibly narrow dirt road in the middle of...

Hidden Heroes: This Profile Of Lee Beard After The 1989 NHRA Championship Season Is Awesome

Boy has Lee Beard had an interesting life in drag racing.  Lee’s a champion crew chief who has worked with and brought along many, many great crew people and drivers over the years. He got his...

This Econoline VS Corvair Truck Video From The 1960s Proves Everything You Ever Thought About Them

Cab forward trucks of the 1960s were a short lived and neat period in light truckin’ history. There were Forward Control Jeeps, the Chevy Corvair truck, The Ford Econoline, and the Dodge A100...

Sawing A Weed Wacker Engine In Half With A 60,000 PSI Water Jet Is Awesome

Well since there is a hydraulic press channel we probably should not be surprised that there is a water jet channel that highlights the awesomeness of cutting stuff up with 60,000 psi of water...

Are Any Of These Cheap Ultra High Output Flashlights Actually Worth A Crap? Amazon Would Like You To Believe So

You see them on Amazon, Facebook ads, Youtube ads, they seem to be everywhere! We’re talking ultra high power flashlights. These things claim to boil water, light fires, guide spacecraft in for...

Motion Raceworks Daily Videos From Race Week 2022: All The Fun And Excitement You Expect From Motion!

Motion Raceworks marches to the beat of its own drummer, and sometimes that means you have to work hard to keep up. Sometimes that means you stand there laughing and shaking your head. On Race Week...